Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tis' the Season to...bribe.

After several days (weeks?) of endlessly explaining to Vasco and Justine that everyday they need to get dressed, go to school, bring their favored toy du jour with them in the car before we leave ("No Justine we can't go back home to get your toy!"), come home from school (despite the fact that they didn't want to go to school in the first place!), etc., last night we decided to try another method not too often found in those books written by the "experts": bribery. No more attempts at reasoning, we completely caved and started offering a trip to their favorite pizza place for lunch on Sunday if they behaved. This seemed to work well this morning as Vasco gladly shared his favorite "Bee" spoon with Justine when hers could not be found. There was no complaining when they had to get dressed or when they were told no more TV. Inevitably, things started breaking down as lunch time neared. Needless to say, empty threats of NOT going to the pizza place were not working as we were driving there, so we offered more (we should have been politicians): a trip to the bookstore (No more taxes and higher refunds for all!). Once again order was restored! Lunch went relatively well until we started to leave, and Mom and Dad quietly decided that a trip to the bookstore was a little too much for very tired 3-year-olds....3-year-olds with a good memory of promises to the bookstore. Hmm...maybe this bribery thing does have a downside...

Happy Holidays!

...will work for pizza...and books... and...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My parents used to threaten to turn the car around. We could be half way to my grandparents house (a nine hour drive) and they would use this threat.

Man, three year olds have good memories.