Boss 1: "I need her to work on my project for today and tomorrow full time!"
Boss 2: "But... (to me) how much more time do you need to finish my project?"
Me: "Ummm.... 40 minutes?"
Boss 2: "Can I have 40 minutes between today and tomorrow?"
Boss 1: "I guess.... but only 40 minutes!"
Boss 1 and Boss 2: "Maybe we can split her in two! Ha ha ha!"
Boss 2: "But I want the right hand! Ha ha ha!"
Me: "Help!"
And its not that I am so irreplaceable, it's just that 1) we are so crazy short-staffed, and 2) the world has gone so completely crazy. Our projections seem to have a shelf-life of exactly 243 minutes lately.
But back to the conversation that made me log on today.
We have since graduated to separate baths (which is a separate story), so while I was giving Justine her bath, the following conversation transpired:
J: "I'm going to be in Kindergarten next?"
Me: "Yes, but next year: now it's winter, then it will be spring, then summer, and only then it will be time for Kindergarten"
J: "Why?"
Me: "Because you need to be 5 to go to Kindergarten."
J: "Oh. I'm going to be 5 in Kindergarten, and 6 in first grade?"
Me: (totally impressed at her sequential ordering skills) "Yes!"
J: "And then high school?"
Me: (fainting at the concept of Justine in high school): "Um... let's not rush that yet!!"
J: "But where is high school? Long drive?"
It seems like yesterday that they were learning to walk! Today they say goodbye to me by the car at the curb as they run into school all by themselves, with their friends, and their school lunches, and their grown up language and goofy jokes (Vasco's favorite is "Why did the cookie go to the hospital?" you should ask him some time). Luckily I still get a giant juicy smack-on-the-lips kiss before they run off, but I suspect that by the time they make it to high school that will no longer be cool...
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