Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mushy Pumpkins

I'm tempted to say that the title refers to us these days... Justine has been sick with a lovely UTI these past two days, and the stress and 2-4am walking around with Justine on our shoulders (only way she will be consoled when she has a fever until the Motrin kicks in) has, indeed, reduced us to something roughly approximating mushy pumpkins...with mold.. slightly shriveled on one side...and with an occasional colony of ants marching through victoriously... which brings me back to my point... It is October 17th, and the one year I have actually gotten ready for Halloween with plenty of time to display my skillfully carved pumpkins, it has been 81 degrees for the past week! And, yes, my pumpkins are mushy!!!! And ant-infested!

Why are these pumpkins smiling? (besides because I did such a fabulous job carving them?)

...because they escaped the fate of their larger cousin, who was cheerfully chopped up by our guest chef, Toma, to end up as tikvenik (the pumpkin, that is, not Toma!) for dessert!
The tikvenik (derived from tikva, which.. you guessed it, is pumpkin in Bulgarian) was delicious. Toma baked it from memory, but in case you want to try this at home, I rustled up some links to recipes that sound roughly right:
Pumpkin Filled Phyllo (Tikvenik)
Tikvenik – Bulgarian Sweet Pumpkin Pie
(or you may want to ask the master chef himself--I've linked up his name to his site above)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow - I'm impressed! Those are some fine-looking pumpkins! We haven't carved ours yet (as always, we'll be last minute). But we should be mush- and ant-free for Wednesday!
