Thursday, April 19, 2007

Grandma and Grandpa's House!

This past weekend we ventured down to North Carolina for our first (and long overdue) visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house. After a long drive (which could not have happened without the all-important DVD player) we arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's log house. The kids really enjoyed playing in the wide-open yard, but the highlight was sitting on the neighbor's tractors. They also had a blast playing with Andrew and Megan.

Then Sunday came and it was time to go home. Of course the thought of leaving Grandma and Grandpa was met with great resistance, but that was nothing compared to the endless drive. The return home started with the interstate closed for presumably an accident. So we had to drive along a small overcrowded rural road until the highway was re-opened. Then a massive hail storm hit, followed by a heavy downpour. Eight hours later, including short stop at McDonald's to appease the restless troops (I won't go into how we tricked them into getting back in the car), we arrived home.

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